Thursday, August 21, 2014


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Is anyone else have a child that won't eat unless they are feeding themselves? I do! I also have a child that is miserable to be around if he is hungry. A trait I will admit comes from his mother. We have our go to kale omelet that Bennett can feed himself but sometimes it's nice to change it up. We love yogurt for breakfast (goat yogurt for B) but it is really runny and more ends up in the lap than the tummy. So I decided to make Yogurtmeal, it is thicker than regular yogurt which makes it easy for little ones to keep on a spoon.

what you need: 
1/2 very ripe banana
1/2 cup rolled oats
1 cup water
1 cup of plain yogurt
dash of cinnamon (optional)
drop of honey (optional) 

How to make:
1. Combine water and rolled oats microwave on high for 3 min
2. mash banana into hot oats (use a fork this is easy)
3. add honey if your going to 
4. stir in yogurt
5. add cinnamon to taste
6. serve warm to cool 

     As you can imagine this is tasty for all family members and very filling. I hope you all enjoy! 


**Quick Update*** You can also add a tablespoon of flax seed, and it is really tasty and add some extra nutrition. 

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