Friday, May 9, 2014

Breakfast for Champions

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     Veggies for breakfast...... this is not a concept that I am used to. However I really feel like that is the only way we will get the "recommended" 5 serving a day. So I had to think about what is the best way to change our way of thinking there is a negative to having vegetables for breakfast and never let Bennett think that? I've decided that an omelet is an easy place to start. It's easy to cut into finger food, not messy and generally pretty easy to make. 
1 Egg Omelet
what you  need:
1 pasteurized raised egg
1 slice of block cheese (we used yodeling goat)
1/4 cup of shredded greens (spinach or kale) 

                                          what to do:
In a small bowl whip together greens and egg, pour onto hot non-stick skillet. Allow to cook until firm on the bottom and only slightly runny on top then flip. Add Cheese to half of the top. Cheese will melt while the bottom cooks. Then fold the side without cheese onto the side with cheese. Allow to cool and then cut into cubes or strips for baby! 
 I usually serve fresh sliced fruit as an appetizer. That gives me time to cook and the omelet to cool. Also while B eats his I will often double the recipe and make one for myself! And as always I use organic when possible.

Happy Friday Everyone!

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