Friday, November 7, 2014

Our Family's Loss

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      This week has been a really though week for our little family. We all have very heavy hearts over the loss of our dog Tico. When I tell you he was a one of a kind dog that truly stole my heart 7 years ago, I am not lying. He has been sick for a very long time but took a turn for the worst this Tuesday afternoon. I will spare you all the horrible details, but feel like since I write a lot about our life that this should be included. This will also explain my lack of posting on here, instagram and Facebook this week. Honestly cooking anything has not been on my list of to-dos, and we have been living off of everything I have put in the freezer. (And maybe some take-out pizza from Whole Foods!!)


      So this is my tribute to our little Tico Suave. I can only describe him as one of the great loves of my life. He was tough, sweet, cute, loving and a little badass! He taught me how to be a mother and to love without needing anything in return. I know that he made me able to be a great mommy to Bennett and all the other children that we will hopefully have one day. My heart is so sad, but at the same time so happy that we had him as part of our life. He was given to me as a 4 year old Chihuahua that was "healthy", he was so cute and I thought he would make the perfect companion for my other dog Lile Ann. Well,  Lile Ann was not a huge fan until a couple of months in and healthy was not ever a term that you would use for him. This is where my learning to be a good, nurturing and selfless mother came into play. (I should also add that he came into my life right as my husband and I start dating. Needless to say Chris was a little shocked when he came back into town and I had a new dog!! that needed surgery) He needed quite a bit of medical care, that I didn't really have money to pay for but as they say where there is a will there is a way. A very long story cut short, we had many surgeries over the years and a hand full of other medical issues. Neither Chris or I ever thought twice about doing what needed to be done, knowing he would come out ok on the other side. All of these events required lots of love, care and loads of time and patience. Qualities Tico taught me to have. It was very much like having newborn baby and somehow I was always up for the challenge. 

     Tico's final illness set in this past Tuesday afternoon and on the way to the vet Wednesday morning around 7:30am he suffered a stroke that immediately took his life. It was just him and I in the car, which was the way both of us would have wanted it to be. It was very scary and sad to watch but a few moments after he looked so peaceful. Just laying there with a little bit of a smile on his face. When we got to the vet I wrapped him in his towel and kissed his sweet face. These are moments that I will forever remember. As sad and awful as there were, they were my last moments with him and I'm happy I have them. 

    So on this Friday afternoon my cheers is to my sweet Tico. I will love him forever and always. I will always be grateful to the family that gave him to me, and my husband for putting up with both of us. My connection with him was like nothing I could have ever imagined being lucky enough to experience. I'm just so glad that I had it! I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! 


 God saw you getting tired 
and a cure was not to be 
So he put his arms around you
 and whispered "come with me"

With tearful eyes I watched you 
and saw you fade away
Although I loved you dearly 
I could not make you stay

A golden heart stopped beating
your tender paws at rest. 
God took you home o prove to us, 
He only takes the best.

Tico Ridberg 

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