Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Allergy free treats for Halloween

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     It never dawned on my until recently how much candy kids actually get on Halloween, and also what kind of candy they get. Until this year when Bennett will be trick or treating. It makes me bite my nails just thinking about it. I won't get started on how much sugar is in the candy and how bad it is for you, it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it's awful. I am most nervous about all the products that contain peanuts and dairy. The list is VERY long. So yes we will be traveling with our Epi-pen and Benedryl that evening. (Just in case)

     What we have decided to do is pass out allergy friendly treats for Halloween. That way we won't be passing out all the processed sugary junk, and our house will be a safe place for kids with allergies. I learned about The Teal Pumpkin Project through a good friend, and I think it is such a great idea. Keep in mind you can still have sugary treats and just keep a seperate basket of non-food treats for the allergic kids.

Here are the things on our shopping list:

1. Glow Bands

2. Slinkys


4. Halloween Tattoos

5. Bouncy Balls

     I hope all of you will consider painting a pumpkin teal this year and offering a non-food treat! It will make moms like myself feel so good, and it will be a fun craft project for you and your little one.   We hope everyone's Halloween season is off to spooktacular start!

*all photos are courtesy of

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