Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Easy & Healthy Toddler Snack Ideas (They are good for mom too)

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     Does anyone else struggle with that afternoon snack? What's healthy, what's not?  What is easy and not going to send my child on a sugar high? Let's not forget they need to taste good, otherwise they very politely get tossed on the floor. With a sweet smile to cover it up!!

These are all a big hit in our house, and I hope that at 2:45 one day and your feeling that crunch to find a healthy snack one of them will sing to you.

1. Ants on a Log  in many variations- let me start by saying these are very tasty and can also be very allergy friendly. The most famous is a ripe banana with a nut or seed butter of your choice spread over top then a sprinkle of raisins to add your "ants". I have come up with a few variations in our house. This is a snack that I enjoy as well. Remember to cut your banana in half LONGWAYS to help prevent choking in children.
Far Left: Celery with Almond Butter and Raisins
Middle: Carrot stick covered with cream cheese and tiny walnut pieces
Far Right: Carrot stick with cream cheese and raisins.
(you can call this a snow covered stick!!) 

2. Whole Wheat Muffins- We usually cook muffins on Sunday night and they will last covered in the fridge until Thursday. You can also freeze them and when you little one goes down for a nap just set it on the counter to thaw. We love our Sunday Muffins and our Zucchini Bread can also be made into muffins. I'm working on a pumpkin bread recipe that will of course also convert into muffins!

3. Fruit and Nut Bars (homemade Larabars)- We have started making these at home instead of buying Larabars, and it is totally worth your time! They are so yummy. We buy all of our ingredients in the bulk aisle so we can buy organic for less! I also feel like the dried fruit from this section is much more fresh. (but that part could just be in my head) Find our recipes HERE and HERE

4. Sliced Cherry Tomatoes and Cheese- This is so simple and a great way to introduce tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes are so sweet and pair well with almost any cheese! We of course use goat cheese for Bennett because of our cow's milk allergy. My two personal favorite cheeses to use are provolone and mozzarella. Cherry tomatoes can be a choking hazard so I would recommend slicing them long ways and even quartering them for children under 3.

Another Favorite of ours is to swap out oranges for strawberries
and add some almonds if you or your little one needs something
a little extra.
5. Orange Slices with Plain Yogurt- This is a delicious snack that you can prepare in under 10 min for you and your little one. Just cut each orange slice into thirds and add a drop of plain yogurt on top. For you just simply dip your orange slices into your yogurt.

6. Cheese Chunks on Whole Wheat Crackers- This is a pretty straight forward snack. I pack it in my own lunch at least a few times a week. So yes, you can cut that big block of cheese you bought a couple of days in advance, just keep it covered and sealed. Just make sure that you are using whole wheat crackers like Triscuits or Back to Nature Whole Wheat crackers. Both of these brands have under 5 ingredients!

     These are the top snacks our house. Always remember snacks can also be used as a side dish or appetizer for meals. I hope you all are having a great week!!!

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