Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fruit and Nut Bars

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     These are my version of Larabars. They are such a yummy healthy snack and a family favorite. We have been a big fan for a long time, and they seem simple enough so we decided to give it a try. They are so good! Now we are free to create whatever our hearts desire or just copy off of what has already been made by Larabar.

Chocolate Cherry Almond Bars
what you need:
1lb dried dates (take out the pits)
1lb dried cherries
1/2c almonds
1tsp cinnamon
1TBSP chocolate chips, chopped

What to do:

1. put dates in a food processor and process until they form into a ball, place into a bowl
2. put cherries into food processor and process until they form a ball, put aside with dates
3. put almonds the food processor and chop into fine pieces but not until they become pasty, place in bowl
4. add cinnamon and chocolate chips to the bowl. with wet hands press and knead everything together into one big ball
5. roll out flat with a rolling pin and place in fridge. Allow to chill before slicing into "bars" 
(tip: I place the ball between two sheets of parchment paper as this mixture is sticky. I also chill them wrapped in the same parchment paper. You can also use wax paper. )
6. slice and enjoy! I bet you won't eat just one 

P.s. Check back to this page soon as I'm hoping to create some more new bar recipes soon

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