Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Juicing For The Family

Pin It Now!      So this all came about because my husband does not like smoothies. He doesn't even like juices done in the Vitamix, says they are to thick. So I've asked around and read reviews and we decided to buy a Breville Juicer we felt like this model was a good starting place. It works really well but doesn't break the bank. Little did I know we all love juices. Even though this means I have lots to drink in a day!

     I thought about including this in my breakfast for champions post but sometimes we have a juice with lunch or dinner. Juices are an awesome way to start you day or refresh you at 3pm when you might be dragging and more dehydrated than actually sleepy. Not everyone I talk to thinks that juicing is great. However if your house is anything like mine anytime you can get your family to have a wholesome snack or part to a meal you jump on it. I'm still learning to cook and would struggle to get this many fruits and veggies in our diet otherwise. It is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal even if you do drink a few.

     Favorite Family Juice

 *4 Collard Green leaves
*4 Romaine leaves
*4 parsley twigs
*1 broccoli crown (including stem)
*4 apples
*1 Lemon
*2 pineapple slices

Place all ingredients in juicer in this order. Serve over ice. I pour the leftovers into popsicle molds so Bennett can have a popsicle  a hot day as a snack. Or you can melt into a cup and the babe can have fresh juice later. (do not heat when serving as a juice just allow it to melt) 

     I will usually triple my recipe so I have enough juice for the day Bennett's popsicles and juice the next few days. I only give Bennett juice that is fresh out of the juicer. Since it isn't pasteurized I get a little nervous about bacteria in juice that has been sitting a few days. I did find an awesome JUICE JAR, that will keep your juice fresh for up to 3 days. 

     If you are new to juicing one tip that I would give is to serve the juice over ice. Everything tastes better cold. Fresh juice does taste very different than store bought. It tastes a little getting used to but after a week it is the taste you will prefer! 

Cheers to trying something new!

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