Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How will I feed my baby? And Myself!

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     This was never a question I had really thought about before conceiving. I guess I just always thought things would just kind of fall into place. I can tell you that once people knew I was pregnant it was the second most popular question, following when are you due? At first it just annoyed me, then by 7 months pregnant it would just make me mad. When asked why it mad me mad, it's because I felt judged weather I said yes or no. 
     Luckily for me things did just fall into place. Breastfeeding was easy, in fact has been hard to stop. (I'm also in no rush) I have friends that I watch struggle and I hate they feel badly for supplementing or formula feeding. My official stance on the subject (in case you were wondering), is that everyone should try it at least for a month. It is proven time and time again that it is best. 
      That all being said I quickly became more concerned with what I was eating. (I was so sick during pregnancy I ate well but basically ate what I could keep down) After all we are what our food eats right? So Bennett was now getting everything that I was getting, good or bad. I was also starving ALL of the time. I was not prepared for the amount of food I would eat. Here are some of my yummy breastfeeding snack ideas!

Pineapple Kale Smoothie, put in blender in this order
-1tbsp flax seeds
-1 cup coconut almond milk
-3 Green Kale Leaves
-1/2c Pineapple Chunks (frozen or fresh)
-1 banana
-if you don't use frozen pineapple chunks then I recommend using 1/2 cup of ice

This guys makes for a tall glass of goodness! So drink up because it's yummy and filling.

Almond Butter Oatmeal
-1 cup cooked oatmeal
-1tbsp almond butter
-handful of raisins
-1tsp honey
-dash of cinnamon
stir it all together and enjoy!! They say oatmeal will help with milk production. I guess it can't hurt! 

        I hope you will find these two snacks yummy and easy. I will post more soon.



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