Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adding In Probiotics

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     What are probiotics?
  1. a probiotic substance or preparation.
    • a microorganism introduced into the body for its beneficial qualities.

     So as many of you parents to allergic kids may or may not have read a new study has come out saying taking certain probiotics can help with allergies. Click here to read more on the new study. We went to see Bennett's allergist yesterday and his opinion made sense, it's only going to help maybe not with allergies, but it's not going to hurt. Maybe this is why Bennett's allergies are getting better? Who know but I'm taking an extra dose everyday to help the baby on the way.

     We have been taking probiotics for years but we have now started adding them to Bennett's diet. I work in close quarters and there are a lot of people in and out of the salon during the day. (that is a lot chances to catch a virus or two) That is why I started taking probiotics, I wanted a better immune system and to not miss work. A girlfriend's son was diagnosed with a peanut allergy around the same time as Bennett and her doctor recommended add probiotics to her son's diet. So to me it was a no brainer since he was no longer getting my antibodies through nursing.
Good for baby!!

     There are many ways you can add probiotics to your diet. The most common way is yogurt. I use plain yogurt (to avoid added sugar) and fresh fruit. Very simple, easy and healthy!!! I would also recommend stopping into your local Whole Foods or Earth Fare and they can tell you  more about what is the best probiotic option for you.
 There are many benefits of probiotics, a few of which are:
  *Helps boost immune system
  * prevents and fights against diarrhea 
  *puts good bacteria back in your body that ahi-biotics take out
  *could prevent and treat allergies
What we currently give Bennett
This is a great daily "shot" of probiotics that I enjoy everyday! 

     I hope that you will all consider (and talk to your doctor) adding probiotics to your family's diet!


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