Monday, May 19, 2014

Which Spf to buy?

Pin It Now!     I have found that I have been letting you guys down on the beauty advice. I will say most of my advice will be about hair. However I feel like it's getting warm outside and pool time is just a few weeks away!!!! So let's talk sunscreen, with so many kinds for sale how do we know which one to buy??

Classic VS Mineral 
Mineral sunscreens use minerals as their "active ingredients" and the minerals act as a physical barrier against the sun's rays. The minerals reflect the sun.  Zinc Oxide is a mineral that is commonly found in mineral sunscreens.  
Classic sunscreens "active ingredients" are typically chemicals that are designed to absorb and diffuse  the sun's rays. You must apply classic sunscreens at least 30 min before you plan to be out in the sun while mineral sunscreens start working as soon as you apply. 

In my opinion Mineral Sunscreen is better. It's better for us and for the environment. 

Are Higher Spfs Better?

SPF is a measurement of the sunscreens ability to block UVB rays. Those are the rays that cause sunburn, damage skin and could potentially contribute to skin cancer.  Personally I don't think this system makes much sense because just looking at the bottle I would think that SPF 15 would equal 15 minutes but that is not true. It is also wrong that SPF 45 is not 3 times the strength of SPF 15. Geez, why can't this make more sense!
SPF15 blocks about 94% of UVB rays while SPF30 blocks about 97% of rays. So is there really a need to go over SPF30, NO! I feel like most brands that go over SPF30 put chemicals in their product  that we don't need on our skin. 

     An important thing to remember is that no matter which product you choose you need to reapply often. After swimming, drying off or after sitting out for 2 hours your sunscreen has worn off and needs another application.  Sun is typically strongest from 10am-2pm, please be aware of that when spending the day in the sun. It might be a good idea to spend some time in the shade even with sunscreen on. 

I hope that this advice has been helpful and will make your sunscreen shopping easier. Please remember I am not a doctor and these are bits of information I have picked up from research. ALWAYS consult your doctor with any questions. 
These are the two products that I would recommend. Red Badger and Honest Company they are both wonderful companies. 

Happy Sunning Everyone!

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