Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Food Allergies

Pin It Now!      Ahhh.... That was really my first thought. First at 7 months it was a confirmation of a dairy allergy when we gave Bennett yogurt and now at 13 peanuts. We actually gave him peanut butter 2 weeks ago and ended up in the urgent care. I have waited to write this until we saw an allergist. Now we have skin text positives for dairy, peanut and crab (random).  We will go back in 2 months for his blood test.

     For whatever reason his dairy allergy is not something our pediatrician took very seriously and encouraged us to try it again (because 85% of kids outgrow this allergy), I just nodded my head and smiled but never tried it again. I never tried it again because my gut told me not too. In my opinion we give kids to much dairy anyways so it might be good to try some other things. Why rush it?  After lots of reading we choose to continue breastfeeding and I learned to cook with breast milk for things just Bennett will eat and then Almondmilk for things the whole family will eat. We also give him goat cheese & yogurt, we have tried goat milk but the smell is awful and it's expensive. I can say now that I very much believe in my "gut" and I'm happy we never tried dairy again. 

    We gave Bennett peanut butter 2 days in a row the first day, nothing. The second day my sweet boy got welts and a rash on his face and chest. He was also coughing because I guess his throat was itchy. I quickly put him in the bath to rinse off the peanut butter residue and called the pediatrician. They told us his Benadryl dose and after we gave him that to rush him to urgent care. Nothing like a good allergic reaction to get your blood pumping at 8am on a Sunday! I am not sure why but I felt so sad that he had this allergy. Maybe it's because it's not commonly outgrown or because I feel like this is an allergy where you here about more serious reactions taking place. Sweet Bennett he was fine, never really knew much was wrong. I was a mess!! 
      I had took a few moments to reflect on the fact I have a few friends with kids that have this allergy. I was always aware and would always be overly cautious if serving them food, but never took into consideration how much worry this must cause my friends. On that Sunday morning I understood all of their worry and fear and also that I should work on being more compassionate. 

    The crab allergy, well we have never given it to him and I guess now we never will! Luckily we are drama free on that. 

     My other bad news and I have no answers or much research as to why B has these allergies. I have a lactose and scallop sensitivity and Chris has no allergies at all. In fact allergies don't really run in out families. I read that as a society we are "too clean" or food is just so different than it used to be. I believe that these are both educated guesses. Not hard answers or fixes!

     So for right now on we will be PEANUT and DAIRY FREE!! Any of my recipes that call for milk I have already been changing out for almond or breast milk but now I will be reporting back to you all on what works and what doesn't. We have been given the ok to use all tree nuts so they will be replacing peanuts. So CHEERS  to home cooked meals, and allergy awareness! 

     For now I do have some helpful links for everyone and I will be doing another post about our allergist and what to expect after our next visit that is on July 12th. My biggest fear is the skin test would be painful and it wasn't. They use little drops of liquid NO needles! 
Parents of Allergic Kids - a free support group! It is a message board for research updates, sharing recipes, tips from other parents and advocacy

Symptoms of an Allergy
*itchy/ runny nose
*itchy mouth, swelling of lips or tongue
*a few to many hives
*redness on body
*vomiting or diarrhea
*shortness or breath, cough, wheezing
*tight throat, trouble breathing
*becoming hoarse
**If you ever suspect an allergy call your doctor or 911 right away, you will never regret it**

     I hope this has been helpful for someone and I will keep you all posted! And remember I'm not a doctor nor do I have any medical training always ask you doctor about any allergy concerns. 


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